Zoook 정보
Can you find all the animals in the four landscapes?
The worlds of Zoook consist of a colorful collection of animals. In each world, a lot happens. But what exactly happens that you make up yourself!
The Zoook challenge is simple: just follow the instructions in the star and go search the animal.
You can go search the air, underwater or underground. Or go back in time to discover funny stories in the world of the dinosaurs at the edge of the volcano.
For each animal, you can make up your own crazy story.
Why do dinosaurs eat marshmallows? What about Ollie and Dollie: are you invited for their wedding? Why is William raccoon washing striped t-shirts, and can you look just as grumpy as Arend van Adel?
On the Facebook page of Zoook you get to know the animals and their background better.