502 Модельный колледж. Лалазар Равалпинди
Competent teachers are essential for a high-quality school; therefore particular care is exercised in the recruitment of academic staff of all categories so that school is managed by highly qualified and experienced staff, well versed and proficient in their subjects. The institute has highly qualified, trained and experienced teaching staff which comprises male and female members. All the teachers are highly skilled in the latest teaching techniques and pay individual attention to each child. The junior section is run by highly qualified teachers under the guidance of Coordinators and Spark Teachers. Each teacher helps children to develop their individual potentials with love, affirmation and encouragement, realizing the fact that no two children are alike. The Preparatory and High School Teachers are well qualified subject specialists, who not only prepare the children for external and internal examinations, but prepare them for life. The College and the Senior School Staff are highly dedicated and skilled professional educators, who take personal interest in the students and prepare them to handle every complicated problem and situation with care and in an organized manner. The result is a teaching team that exposes students to multiple perspectives, challenging their thinking on many levels thus supporting outstanding achievements of our students at national and international examinations.