Это руководство покажет вам лучшие советы & трюки, чтобы играть в эту удивительную игру
For the first time in FIFA, a truly social experience allows you to join forces with your friends and others from around the world to strive for glory in Leagues. Compete for bragging rights in inter-league Championships, complete cooperative league achievements, or take your skills and play against other leagues around the world. Climb the leaderboard and prove you can conquer the world of football. Play with Friends. If it happens in the real world, you’re likely to experience it in FIFA Mobile. Live Events deliver new and fresh content daily based on stories and matches happening around the globe. Quick, fun mini-games reward you with themed Tokens to redeem for free players and packs. A new approach to building your squad lets you create a bigger and deeper club, offers a simplified method to boost your players and gives you a better experience to manage who is on the pitch. Stay tuned throughout the season to find unique and exciting ways to make your club better.