Oписание Cool Wallpaper
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Cool Wallpaper enables you to fine-tune your mobile phone with different beautiful wallpaper images.Get access to different Christian, Technology,etc wallpapers and instantly get them used as your phone Wallpaper.You don't need to download images you will use for Wallpaper,with the app u can easily set your Wallpaper with ease.The app is well customized for users and has a very nice graphic.
Getting a wallpaper with Cool Wallpaper is so easy.To get started,follow these steps:
Share:In other to share any wallpaper in Cool Wallpaper,click the "share" icon/button and choose your desired share destination.
Favourite:To add any wallpaper as your favorite wallpaper, click the "heart" icon/button and you can access your favourite wallpapers by navigating to the "Favourite Button" in the menu.
Save:To save any wallpaper to your phone gallery,click on the "save" icon/button.
Note:You need to give Cool Wallpaper access to your gallery in other to save.
Use as Wallpaper:To use any wallpaper as your phone wallpaper,click on the "TV" icon/button and this automatically saves it as your phone wallpaper.
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