Исследуйте Проект по улучшению водораздела Гарнер-Крик, используя дополненную реальность.
Explore elements of the Garner Creek Watershed Improvement Project using augmented reality. This app will allow the user to view an interactive 3D representation of the project, and learn about its topography, vegetation, and water quality protection measures. Located in Gwinnett County, Georgia, the Garner Creek Project is built on 4.7 acres. Most of the project is on Parkview High School property, and project components were designed in coordination with the Garner Creek Crew to maximize educational opportunities, including stream access points and outdoor learning classroom. The project includes: 1,200 linear feet of stream restoration and stabilization; stormwater management practices; and development of an educational and community amenity. The Garner Creek AR app will continue to change and update as new project elements can be developed.