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To help build up the state, the player guides the homesteaders to play out specific errands, for example, digging for assets, developing sustenance, creating gear, examining new innovations, and keeping up their own particular wellbeing through support, rest, and hygiene.The player does not control the pioneers straightforwardly, and rather gives organized directions, from which the settlers will then take after to the best of their capacities. For instance, the player can arrange a course of wire to be fabricated; which will have the pioneers gather the materials to influence the wire, to clean up any materials around the conductor's way, and after that develop the wire. On the off chance that the pilgrims can't get to a wellspring of copper for the wire, the errand will stay uncompleted as the homesteaders go to finish different undertakings they can do. Pioneers have details that decide how powerful they are at sure errands, and will organize assignments that they are best at. These settlers' aptitudes can be enhanced after some time and practice.