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Pakistani chat rooms are divided into sub categories per city. For example, Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Multan, and Faisalabad chat rooms. Indian chat rooms are only limited to Dehli, Mumbai, and Punjabi chat rooms. If you want to make UK conference call then join conference call services of JAL CHAT. Let us know If you think that there should be a separate room for your own city. Mostly the girls and boys in these rooms are young looking for some cool chat to kill the time. Our online chat rooms are alternate to yahoo chat rooms. Ask for permission from a boy or a girl in the main chat room before sending an online private message (PM) to him/her. If you like a boy or a girl then simply say hi or hello and as soon as he/she cross the limit do not wait to say bye!!! Enjoy chat and make new friends. Join our Arab chat room and English chat room as well. To meet Pakistani people join Pakistani chat rooms.