Это официальная Применение Davidian С. Д. ассоциации.
The object of this Association is to bring about among God's people that reformation called for in the Testimonies for the Church Volume 9, page 126, as the prerequisite movement to sounding the "Eleventh-Hour Call" (Matt. 20:6, 7) of "the everlasting gospel...to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." Rev. 14:6. Through this call, the Loud Cry of the three angels' messages, it is to gather "the people of the saints of the Most High" (Dan. 7:27) into the kingdom "which shall never be destroyed...but...shall break in pieces and consume all...kingdoms." Dan. 2:44. Thus it shall usher in the reign of Christ as Lord of lords and King of kings over all the earth forever and ever.