Милые и красивые: Умная мышь учит ваших детей, как считать до десяти.
This game is all about the motivation to learn counting. It includes cute and beautifully illustrated objects and teaches your kids how to count up to ten. Children are having so much fun, to count the objects and find the right number, which is being rewarded with funny sounds and comments by the clever mouse. "Learning Numbers for children" helps your kids to learn and recognize numbers, count objects and develop finemotoric skills. The game is tested by kids and teachers and has an optimized user interface for little fingers. You can adjust the game to different ages and abilities, so younger and older kids are all having fun. We love to build the best learning apps for your child. If you like "Learning Numbers for children", look out for more educational games from us here at the market. If your kids love our sweet and cute animals, they´ll meet them again in our other games for endless hours of fun.