Play Tube Music Video Stream
Oписание Play Tube Music Video Stream
Откройте для себя миллионы труб, видео, песни, музыка на Youtube и Vimeo на быстрой скорости
Discover Millions of Tubes, Videos, Songs,Music on Youtube & Vimeo at Fast Speed
Play Tube Music Video Stream lets you discover Million of Tubes, Videos, Songs, and Music on Youtube & Vimeo at Fast Speed without having to signup and login with your Google Gmail account and Vimeo account.
Stream Tube Player Music Video has the following features:
1. Super Fast Browsing and Streaming Speed.
2. Play HD Youtube Video and well HD Vimeo Video and Music
3. Works on both Data & Wifi.
4. Easy to Use.
5. Play Youtube & Vimeo Content.
6. No Google Gmail and Vimeo accounts needed to use the service.
Enjoy the worldwide videos on your Android phone or tablet.
------------- DISCLAIMER -------------
->This app is NOT a YouTube Downloader.
Play Tube Music Video app can't cache, download or playback video in background as it's against YouTube Terms of Service. Thank you for your understanding.
If there are any videos that may infringe upon anyone's copyrights, the following link can be used to report the videos to YouTube:
We are following YouTube API Terms of Service. Read more:
-> This Not a video downloader for #Youtube / #YoutubeVideoDownloader / #YoutubeDownloader since #Youtube is an application that has its own editor law.
Please be note:
-> This Not a video downloader for #Youtube since #Youtube is an application that has its own editor law.
-> This Not a video downloader for #Vimeo since #Vimeo is an application that has its own editor law.
-> This Not a video downloader for #tubemate # 2.2.5 since tubemte is an application that has its own editor law.
-> This Not a video downloader for #videoder # since videoder is an application that has its own editor law.
-> This Not a video downloader for #snaptube# since snaptube is an application that has its own editor law.
-> This Not a video downloader for #vidmate # since vidmate is an application that has its own editor law
Что нового в последней версии 1.0
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Play Tube Music Video Stream 1.0
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