Цунами школы и землетрясение Инструмент оценки готовности к
The Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) and UNESCO, with support of UNISDR, developed the School Tsunami and Earthquake Preparedness Assessment (Step-A) methodology based on 5 preparedness parameters (school policy, knowledge and skills, emergency response, early warning, and resource mobilization). One of the tools for this assessment is a set of questionnaires: School as Institution (S1), Teachers (S2) and Students (S3). With the support of UNDP Regional Hub in Bangkok, Indonesian Ministry of Education and disaster education experts, this tools is adapted and made available in English for international use and the methodology will be made available through a mobile application (under development). Under the Working Group 1 of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, STEP-A is advocated for the Indian Ocean Member States through the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC) of IOC UNESCO in coordination with the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI).