Опыт водах Церковь в любое время, в любом месте на мобильных устройствах!
Experience The Waters Church anytime, anywhere on your mobile devices! With The Waters Church app you will be only a tap away from sermons, blogs and music. You will be able to browse the collection of sermons and easily listen or watch whenever you like, share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Also available will be music from our Current Worship band. -Listen and watch sermons. - Enjoy music from our band, Current Worship. -Stay up to date with all that is happening at The Waters Church. The Waters Church is located in Katy, Texas and is pastored by Lead Pastor, Clint Paschall. The Mission of The Waters Church To take people from being Lost, Bound, Sad, Unhealthy, Disconnected, Undisciplined and Greedy… To being Saved, Set Free, Happy, Healthy, Connected, Discipled and Generous in the name of Jesus Christ.