В мобильном приложении хранится сборник турецких драм на урду.
The mobile application stores the collection of Turkish dramas in Urdu. It will be very helpful to the users, who are in the search of Turkish Dramas in Urdu. This app will entertain users with the famous Turkish Drama like Ertugrul Ghazi in Urdu, Kurulus Osman Ghazi in Urdu, Yunun Emre in Urdu, Sultan Abdul Hameed in Urdu, The Promise in Urdu, Takht and Baghawat in Urdu, Mehmetcik Kutlu Zafer in Urdu, Nizaam-e-Alam in Urdu, Kosem Sultan in Urdu, Mera Sultan in Urdu. Furthermore, you will be able to watch other Turkish Dramas, which are unseen to you.