關於Alberta Traffic Information
This is NOT an official Android ™ application developed by the Government of Alberta. However, it is the best place to get traffic information about Alberta roadways on your Android device , similar to the one viewed at the official website for your trip plans, or if simply just being a road condition(s) enthusiast. If you're an outdoor enthusiast who frequently goes to the mountains, this can be helpful when planning your outdoor escapades.
Features include:
* Gallery view of the traffic cameras. Click a thumbnail, and it will bring you to a full screen view. Swipe left/right to view the next image. (Randomized display sequence for non-premium version)
* Save your favorite traffic cameras so you can see them right away without scrolling through all the pictures (unlimited for Premium Feature)
* Map view of the traffic cameras. Click on the icon, to see a thumbnail preview, click on the thumbnail to go to a full screen mode viewing.
* Map view of weather conditions. View the current temperature right away on the icon. Click on it, to see a bit of details. Click further, to go to Environment Canada's web page for that weather station (premium).
* Map view of road infrastructure events
* Map view of provincial and national parks within Alberta. Links to the official pages directly
* Map view of ferry crossings
* Map view of border crossings into/from the USA, and simple status summary
* Web view of text report for road conditions
* Premium Upgrade removes all the advertisements, and unlocks advanced features, like saving more favorite camera locations, disables randomizing the pictures' sequence while in Gallery View, and viewing your current location on the map
* Notifications for Events, Road Condition Changes, & Ferry Status changes. For Road Conditions, you can choose to subscribe to the specific road(s) that you're only interested in,