關於Ottawa Roman Catholic Churches
If you are new or visiting to Ottawa, and you are looking for churches, this handy App will suite your needs. The archdiocese of Ottawa has a web-based map of the churches found in http://www.catholicottawa.ca/maps
This App takes it further, by displaying it natively in your Android device, powered by Google maps.
You can easily view them in a live map, with traffic conditions (if you choose).
The markers are color-coded:
Orange = English
Red = French
Green = Serves Ethnic communities
Clicking of the marker, shows up some bits of information. It also allows you to:
- Click on a button, and spawn Google's Navigation application if you decide to drive towards it
- Click on a link to see the street view of the place! It's a great advantage to actually see how the place looks like rather than just looking at a map
You can switch between different map types like:
Road Map, Satellite, and with traffic