關於Anti aging stress relief
Anti-Aging Guide :Anti aging stress relief
Welcome to the Anti-Aging Guide app :
We all age, and at one time or another, wish we didn’t. In many cases, your health, fitness, vitality and resistance to disease and infirmity comes down to your own inputs. Like any system, garbage in – garbage out.
Probably the greatest single realization that anyone facing fears of aging can embrace, is that many of the problems attributed to aging are not inevitable, or at least that the degree is not absolute.
Anti-aging involves undertaking actions that have been shown to reduce and even reverse signs and symptoms normally associated with growing older. Some of these signs are visible, others are more internal and hidden. They can be physical, mental or emotional.
Tried and tested methods exist for overcoming and dealing with these changes and for accepting and coming to terms with them. Choose the methods that best suit your circumstances, ability and willingness. Create a toolbox of coping behaviours and habits that will help you look forward to every new day.
We have the power within us to make changes to different aspects of our lives to bring about improvements to our quality of life, now and in the future. These changes may be small initially but can be built upon and their effects will lead to other, bigger, better changes.
In the application, you will learn about:
The Evolution of Your Anti Aging Plans
Anti Aging in Your Teens
Anti Aging in Your 20s
Anti Aging in Your 30s
Anti Aging in Your 40s
Anti Aging in Your 50s and Beyond
Analyzing Your Anti Aging Needs
Get Your Doctor to Conduct a Complete Health Panel
How Do Your Looks Stack Up to Previous Years?
What Physical Feelings Are Causing You to Feel Older?
Is Your Mental Well-Being Putting You in Jeopardy?
Adopt a Good Beauty and Skincare Regimen
Wear Clothes That Are Age Appropriate
Wear a Hairstyle That Suits Your Age
Update Your Makeup to Reflect Your Years
Assume a Skincare Regimen Meant for Your Age Group
Watching Your Weight as You Grow Older
The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Weight as We Age
How to Increase Your Metabolism as You Age
Avoiding the Traps of Weight Gain as You Age