關於Area and Perimeter
This is a game about Area and Perimeter of Rectangles, Triangles and Trapezoids.
You have to use your knowledge on how to calculate area and perimeter. The student must answer 6 questions(using random choice) from an amount of many possible questions about area and perimeter of Rectangles, Triangles and Trapezoids.The units of measurement are the meter and the square meter accordingly. When the game starts, a funny teacher explains the game, then he draws a shape ( Rectangle, Triangle, Trapezoid ) with random choice dimensions, gives some data, e.g. width and height of a rectangle and asks from the students to find other elements of shape e.g. Area and Perimeter. In another question we give area and perimeter and look for other data like width and height. The same happens to other shapes. When the student writes the right number in his answer, he takes 1 point, otherwise he takes 0 points. Finally, the funny teacher announces the grade to the student.This area and perimeter game is a fun way to practice area and perimeter skills.