This is a game about Coordinate Plane. The student tries to help Nick (Assistant in game) to find the way back home. The player must find the correct coordinates, in order to find the way to his house.The game starts and the student sees 3 points A,B,C and the Home, Nick have to pass all the points with this order and finally arrives in Home. In total, we have 4 points(in random choice) in 4 quadrants. Nick asks for the coordinates of each point. If the player writes the right coordinates, then Nick walks(animation) to the next point, if not the assistant says <> and this is repeated so many times as the written coordinates is wrong. Every right pair of coordinates takes 1 point, every wrong pair of coordinates take 0 points. Finally, when Nick arrives in home goes to start and a new route form in the display, so he tries again to find the right pairs of coordinates for each point. Finally Nick announces the grade of the student. This is a funny game which reinforces skills in finding coordinates. With this game student practice coordinates on 4 quadrant grid. We believe this game is a useful teaching resource for Teachers, Parents and Kids.