關於Lyrics of The Shaukeens
Welcome to Lyrics of The Shaukeens, here you will get all Hindi Songs Lyrics of The Shaukeens movie.
The Shaukeens is a hindi comedy movie which was released in the year 2014. Abhishek Sharma was the director for this movie. The Shaukeens movie features Annu Kapoor, Piyush Mishra and Anupam Kher in lead roles alongside Lisa Haydon, while Akshay Kumar is doing a cameo playing himself. The Shaukeens soundtrack album has six trakcs, The music album is composed by Yo Yo Honey Singh, Arko Mukherjee, Vikram Nagi and Hard Kaur. The tracklist for this movie is Alcoholic, Manali Trance, Meherbani, Aashiq Mizaaj, Ishq Kutta Hai and Lonely.
We hope everyone will have fun using this app and learn all the Hindi Lyrics of The Shaukeens hindi movie songs with the help of this app.