關於Navagraha Mantra Tamil Kannada
Peace mantra for nine planets/ Navagraha Stotra Mantra
Navagraha Stotras are believed to pacify the planets and protect the reciter from the evil effects of the planets. In Sanskrit, "Nava" means Nine and "Graha" means planet. Navagraha Stotras are therefore stotras for the nine planets. In Vedic Astrology, Moon, Rahu and Ketu are considered planets.
Salutations to the beautiful Ganesh, whose face is radiant like the moon, the beloved of Sun, the deva of all the devas and the great Cosmic Spirit.
Salutations to the navagrahaas, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.
Navagraha stotra, Navagraha stotram, Nava graha stotra, Nava graha stotram, Navgraha stotra, stotra, stotram, stotras, vedic stotra, sahasranam, sahasra nam.
Mind power will improve by these prayers to God.
There are many Stotras in this blog of many Gods. Stotra is a blog for the people who have faith in God. If you recite any of the stotras you like, then results will be good and make your life happy and prosperous.I myself have experienced it and there are many people like me.The stotra is to be recited with full concentration daily.
This stotra is in Sanskrit and it is written by Shri Vyas Rushi.
By reciting this stotra all troubles, difficulties get vanished from our life. There are no bad dreams, all type of sorrow are also removed from our life. We receive abundant pleasures, wealth and become prosperous and have a sound, good health.
We have to recite this stotra daily with faith, devotion and concentration.
It will free from bad dreams, Good Health, Navagraha Stotra, Prosperity, Vyas Rushi, Wealth.