關於Prayers Mantras Tamil Kannada
Prayers to God gives health, wealth, education, career, family, peace of mind.
Prayers are powerful communication with God Lord. Its an eternal journey to seek wisdom and spirituality. Prayers or Chanting Mantras gives benefits like concentration, patience, bliss and all material luxuries as per ones wish. It is seeking blessings from God. Hindu prayers are powerful and has to be followed with great devotion.
They receive benefits like wealth, luxury, offspring and lineage, elephants, four things — dharma, artha, kaam, moksha, and in the end are liberated eternally.
All the health problems will be solved. Business will succeed, House and property will be attained, Evils will be removed, Become very wealthy, mind power, wisdom, truthful and good fruits of all deeds.
Education, Family, Marriage, Love and career will succeed. Job and foreign travel will be attained.
Life will improve in all aspects will peace of mind and bliss.
hymn addressed to Divinity. It can be a prayer, a description, or a conversation. These hymns praise aspects of the divine, such as Devi, Siva, or Vishnu. Relating to word "stuti" basically both mean "praise". Notable stotra are Shiva Tandava Stotram in praise of Shiva and Ram Raksha Stotra a prayer for protection to Lord Rama.
Hindu gods chanting technique for sudden wealth gains and good health, children, name and fame.