關於Smart Easy Tools- Toolbox
Easy Smart Tools is complete set of different kinds of app which contain 14 essential and basic tools that are used in daily base.
It contains:
First: Compass, which is used for navigation purpose.
Second: Timer, Count your time it’s simple and easy.
Third: Flashlight, instantly turns your device into a bright flashlight.
Four: Metal Detector, Turn your device into a metal detector machine.
Fifth: GPS Location, Checkout your longitude and latitude location.
Sixth: Sound Detector, Turn your device into a Sound detector machine.
Seventh: Calendar, Simple Calendar that shows the dates of month on your Android Device.
Eight: BMI Calculator, Simple BMI Calculator that shows you are overweight or underweight.
Ninth: Age Calculator, Simple Age Calculator that shows your total age.
Tenth: Recorder, It’s Record your Voice and save in a database.
Eleventh: Alarm, Simple Alarm Clock for Reminder.
Twelfth: Simple Calculator, simple scientific calculator to do arithmetic operations.
Thirteen: Mirror, Turn your device into real time Mirror.
Fourteen: Unit Converter, its convert 8 conversions that are: Temperature, Weight, Length, Power, Energy, Velocity, Area, Volume.
Easy Smart Tools contains all utility tools that are used in daily life. We make this app as simple as with beautiful design all in one Smart Easy Tools app.
GPS Show Current Location in Map.
UI Updated.