关于Easy Smart Tools
Easy Smart Tools is complete set of different kinds of app which contain 14 essential and basic tools that are used in daily base.
It contains:
First: Compass, which is used for navigation purpose.
Second: Timer, Count your time it’s simple and easy.
Third: Flashlight, instantly turns your device into a bright flashlight.
Four: Metal Detector, Turn your device into a metal detector machine.
Fifth: GPS Location, Checkout your longitude and latitude location.
Sixth: Sound Detector, Turn your device into a Sound detector machine.
Seventh: Calendar, Simple Calendar that shows the dates of month on your Android Device.
Eight: BMI Calculator, Simple BMI Calculator that shows you are overweight or underweight.
Ninth: Age Calculator, Simple Age Calculator that shows your total age.
Tenth: Recorder, It’s Record your Voice and save in a database.
Eleventh: Alarm, Simple Alarm Clock for Reminder.
Twelfth: Simple Calculator, simple scientific calculator to do arithmetic operations.
Thirteen: Mirror, Turn your device into real time Mirror.
Fourteen: Unit Converter, its convert 8 conversions that are: Temperature, Weight, Length, Power, Energy, Velocity, Area, Volume.
GPS Show Current Location in Map.
UI Updated.