Hello there! My name's Gergana Ivanova and I am the founder of fashion and lifes
Hello there! My name's Gergana Ivanova and I am the founder of fashion and lifestyle blog Fashion is my Forte. In my life, I have accumulated a lot of nicknames, one being G. Being a fashion influencer I have always been in the public light. I hide very little about myself on the internet, so what you see is who I really am. I am a strong believer and preacher of following your dreams and never giving up. Because of this, I receive numerous questions and requests on a daily basis for advice on anything from college, fashion, relationships, and how to gain confidence. I love giving advice and wanted to create a platform for you guys where I could answer your questions and also share them anonymously with the rest of the world with the hope of helping someone else out there who might be wondering the same thing... so feel free to ask away!