Các Oryon Watermill là một nhà máy thủy điện sáng tạo mà tạo ra năng lượng.
The Oryon Watermill is an innovative, decentralisedhydro power plant, which generates sustainable energy from running water including slow current rivers, modified flows such as weirs or wastewater from industrial sites. But how much running water do you need? What flow speed is required? And what output could you expect? With this app you can easily calculate what power you can generate by simply feeding basic information on water depth, water width and water flow speed into the calculator. By clicking on the ‘calculate power’ button at the bottom of the page the app shows you the maximum energy output, the energy output taking service and maintenance into account and the number of European households (2 households for every 1 KWh) that can be provided with the energygenerated.