Learn the supplications of livelihood
Supplication of livelihood answered, God willing, whether providing with money or facilitating the affairs of a Muslim's life Supplication of livelihood is an application that includes all supplications for livelihood, whether livelihood with money or facilitating livelihood is important, all supplications to bring livelihood The application provides great features that you will not find in other applications, the first of which is that you will be able to see all the documented supplications that bring a livelihood, The feature of sharing your favorite blessings with friends via Facebook or mobile messages You can share any supplication with a friend through social networking sites You can enlarge and reduce the texts of the supplications if you have poor eyesight In the end, I would like to remind you that provision is from God and success is from God Almighty. Refer to God Almighty with sincere prayer and put your trust in God and it will not disappoint you I recommend you to download it Periodic update of the application