Prognosis of respiratory diseases through cough.
We are a group of students of the Department of Electrical Engineering of AUTh. and in the course "Audio and Video Technology", a course in the field of telecommunications, we developed an application which, by recording our cough, detects the possibility of getting sick from some respiratory diseases. Our application is currently in an experimental stage, so it has many limitations. However, we consider that it is more of a platform that can be adapted according to the needs of each season. Experts have stressed that the possibility of new diseases is real and predictable. Thus the application can with relatively little effort modify and detect any respiratory disease, thus making it useful for other respiratory diseases, already known, which are not highly contagious but are particularly dangerous. For example, it is possible to recognize heavy breathing, which is a symptom of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), a disease that in 2019 was characterized by the WHO. as the 3rd leading cause of death worldwide. In addition, following the same procedures, tools can be developed to detect diseases that are not limited to the respiratory tract. For example, arthritis, Parkinson's, etc., diseases that will be identified by the use of a camera or by feeding X-rays and various other tests.