This official Alpha Chi Lambda App is for members.
This official Alpha Chi Lambda App is for members of the chapter to find out about our events, chat with Chapter members, View Chapter Documents, Chapter Directory, and much more. The ability to effectively communicate with Chapter members will Help us continue to develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic Excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our community. The App also allows guest to view many features of the app in the Guest View. Guest can also receive push notifications of Chapter and Community events. As a Guest you can also contact the Brothers, with any questions, or comments. With over 75 years of service to the CSRA, the brothers of Alpha Chi Lambda, look forward to 75 more years of making a difference in the world, by living up to the aims of our great fraternity; Manly Deeds, Scholarship and love for all mankind. It is our belief that we are a chapter of "princely men and grace, a Brotherhood striving to be a credit to our race". We invite you to visit with us knowing that in this House of Alpha, men unacquainted, enter, shake hands, exchange greetings and depart friends.