What is aquaponics? What advantages? What’s needed? How to do it.
Aquaponics is a combination of the aquaculture (growing fish) and hydroponics (growing soilless plants) system that mutually benefits both environments. It does not use any chemicals and requires only 1/10 of the water that would be needed to grow plants in the garden or field. It also only needs a fraction of the water that is used for fish culture. Many plants will grow in an aquaponics set up. The principal exceptions are root vegetables. The app describes in detail the easiest plants to cultivate, as well as which fish to use, depending on whether you just want the fish to nourish the plants, or you are growing fish to eat as well. There is an article detailing what is required to set up a successful home aquaponics system. There is advice about how to proceed with a limited budget. The advantages of aquaponics systems range from low costs once it’s running, the potential to establish a supplementary source of income, and generally the healthier and tastier produce that it grows.