مرحبًا بكم في جبال أكورسد ، وجهة خارجية استثنائية!
This app is made to ensure that you as an adventure traveler get the information you need while visiting Accursed Mountains. You will get info on most popular mountain trails and adventure offer on both Montenegro and Kosovo side, as well as services you might need during your travel. You can use this app for navigation, and maps presented here can be used in offline mode as well, so it will not matter if you are within mobile network coverage zone or not. If you are within the coverage zone, you can also use the web portal www.accursed-mountains.me for more detailed information. Pay attention to safety instructions, as well as description of border crossing procedures outside of official border crossing points. Check out descriptions of protected zones, nature reserves and biodiversity we are proud of! Both the application and the web portal have been developed through a cross-border project funded by the EU.