استمتع بملايين من أحدث التطبيقات والألعاب والمقاطع الموسيقية والأفلام والعروض التلفزيونية والكتب والمجلات والمزيد على نظام التشغيل Android، وقتما تشاء وأينما تذهب، وذلك عبر أجهزتك.
Welcome to the AFT College Staff Guild, Local 1521A Mobile App. The AFT Staff Guild is the exclusive representative of the Clerical/Technical Unit of the Los Angeles Community College District. Our continued effectiveness as representative depends to a large degree upon the participation of our members. You are most cordially invited to interact through the App, attend our meeting and become involved in the work of our committees. There are Worksite Meetings, Executive Board Meetings, General Membership Meetings, as well as Conferences. All Staff Guild members are entitled to participate in a series of CFT/AFT insurance programs. The Staff Guild exists to serve its members by representing their viewpoints and ideas to the administration and before the Board of Trustees, and the Personnel Commission, by initiating and effectuating educational and personnel reforms, by protecting the member's professional standards, status, and rights and by representing Unit I classified employees at the collective bargaining and consultation table. If there is any way in which we can be of assistance, do not hesitate to use the App to call the officers of the Staff Guild, your colleagues in the District.