نموذج لنهاية المرحلة أمراض الكبد (أخلط) نتيجة
Model for end-stage liver disease score is a model based on serum bilirubin, creatinine, and INR and is useful to predict the three month mortality risk in patients with chronic liver disease. It was initially developed for predicting the mortality subsequent to elective TIPS shunt placement. MELD was subsequently adopted by UNOS for prioritization of organ allocation to patients awaiting liver transplantation, with additional scoring points based on MELD exceptions and eligible waiting period. It has also been proven to be useful in predicting mortality and outcomes for surgical procedures in cirrhotic patients, and in acute alcoholic hepatitis, hepatorenal syndrome and acute variceal hemorrhage. Several modifications were proposed to MELD score such as addition of serum sodium which might provide better risk stratification. This application implements the MELD scoring algorithm and provides a prognostic score based on the user provided input.