لعبة كلاسيكية من بيمنتل DICE. الحصول على أعلى درجة ممكنة في 10 طلقة !!
PIMENTEL DICE... A simple yet challenging and addicting risk/reward dice game. You compete against a skilled robot opponent. Object of the game is to roll a pair of dice, adding the totals as you go along. If at any time while rolling the dice, the total equals the total of your first rolled dice, then you LOSE all the accumulated points for the round. Each player gets one turn per round. After each roll in a turn, you can choose to ROLL again and risk losing your round points or STOP rolling to advance to the next player's turn. Game play continues for 10 rounds. An extra round is played if both players strike in the 10th round. The player with the most points after 10 rounds WINS the game! Similar to the game of Pig or other style risk/reward dice games.