موارد للطلاب فيلانوفا عقب وقوع حادث للعنف الجنسي
We often do not retain resource information that is critical in times of concern or crisis. In the case of sexual violence, students are often challenged with where to start and who to reach out to following an incident. The SAVUR (Sexual Assault Villanova University Resource) mobile app, compatible with both iPhone and Android platforms, would organize important resource information available to Villanova students following an incident of sexual violence, whether it be hours, weeks, months or years later. Modeled after the U Ask mobile application used at colleges and universities in the Washington, D.C. metro area, the SAVUR app would organize campus and community resource information into an easily digestible and intuitively functional resource for students. While we provide a plethora of resource information throughout a Villanova student’s career, we know that students prefer and are comfortable working within a mobile app and are less likely to consult a multitude of resources before making a decision to report, seek support, or explore their options following an incident of sexual violence.