عن Signature Maker
صانع التوقيع هو أسهل تطبيق لإنشاء توقيع بأسلوبك الرقمي.
Easiest app to Create Signature in your own Decent Style.
Signature of a person shows the personality of that person. Usually some people practice very much for making their decent signature and they confused. We provide them facility of modern system to create nice signatures. Some people generate multiple signatures for multiple places. So now using this application they don't need to remember which signature is used for which location. Because this app knows what you used where.
We have provided Signature name functionality so you do not need to remember which signature I did at Bank, Election card, College, Government office, Police station, especially marriage
ceremony etc.
You can create your creative signature with 100+ autograph styles and with 10,000+ colors and with x-small to x-large font size.
* Create signature: Do signature
* Different fonts: 100+ variety of styles
* Signature color: Set Signature color (400+ colors) with Light/Dark & Alpha adjustable
* Background color: Set background color (10,000+ colors) with Light/Dark & Alpha adjustable
* Multicolor (Gradient) background
* Pinch zoom on Signature to adjust size
* Drag signature to set on any location of screen
* Save: Store your signature in storage
* Signature name: Give the name of Signature. You don't need to remember which signature is used at which place.
* Collection: View previously drawn signature
* Share: Share signature on social platform
* Delete: Delete previously drawn signature
You can save your signature
You can find collection (Your previously signatures you did)
You can share your signature on social platform like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter etc.
You can view your signature previously did
You can delete signature if you don’t like it anymore
We required EXTERNAL STORAGE PERMISSION in order to store/share/view signature.
We are not using your signature anywhere, application stores it in storage in order to view and share your signature.
Enjoy free Signature Creator application for you and your family.
What's new in the latest 3.1
Signature displays Personality of a person. So use new method of creating signature by using this application.
In this application we further added:
1) User interface more friendly.
2) Adding more new styles.
3) Add custom colors to choose color.
4) Adding more fonts for user to create their beautiful loving signature.
In this update we implemented user suggestions, Keep on recommendations so we can make better product.
معلومات Signature Maker APK
الإصدارات القديمة لـ Signature Maker
Signature Maker 3.1
Signature Maker 3.0
Signature Maker 2.2
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