Betlehem Baptist Church The lot at Calhoun and First Streets
Betlehem Baptist Church The lot at Calhoun and First Streets, plus a small house was given to Mrs. Gertrude Martin in 1919 by Judge Hamlin as a place of worship. Mrs. Martin served as musician until her death in 1952. The church was organized in 1919 by Rev. William Young of Albuquerque, New Mexico, who served as Pastor and journeyed to Clovis every first and third Sunday to hold services. As the community grew, there was an increased need for a larger building to house what had evolved into a church-school. The small church was used as a school during the week and church services were held on Sundays. Mrs. Margie Ford of Temple, Texas came to teach but did not remain. Mrs. Ida O Jackson came to teach as her replacement.