A View with a Hue Around it of colors
Random colors in your field of view with various hues of color that can shine off of many different objects to illuminate them. Enjoy the relaxing hue views right from your device. Have fun with different object views and learn how light reflects against objects with hours of fun in store here. Relax with hues of colours from your device and with this app also doubles as a object light to help illuminate objects for photography purposes. It becomes a great light for the set and for a different look with your setup. It's a very fun educational tool for playing with different light sources safely. Learn about light while seeing in reality how objects and various different things change upon different light hitting the object. Simply take any object that you have and see how the light changes depending upon the object that you have facing your screen. Easily see it for yourself and analysis for yourself. No need for extra equipment your device becomes your science work space!