Focus Focus Focus. (Check or Switch - CheckerSwitch- Checker Switch)
Check'rSwitch (Check or Switch) is a focus building game that requires your undivided attention. While simple in design, it proves how challenging staying focused can really be. The game is set in a fictitious checker recycling factory were the goal is to sort the reclaimed checkers by color to be crushed and reworked into other polymer based products of the same color. Your job is simple, "Keep The Line Moving", while operating a manual sorter which allows you to switch the position of the various color scanners. Switch the scanners by touching the button for that color scanner then touch the button of the scanner that you want to switch positions with. Switching must occur before the conveyor belt delivers the checker into the scanning area. Scanning the wrong color checker, results in a quality drop. Four mis-scans, shuts the line down for the reason of color contamination and ends the game. The goal is to increase your ability to focus over time by keeping the line running as long as you possibly can. GOOD LUCK!!