关于ابيات شعر قصيرة
The most beautiful verses of Arabic poetry
✔️ The most beautiful verses of Arabic poetry without the net, an application that contains many fields, once you choose the field, you will find the most beautiful verses of poetry from various ancient or modern poets.
✔️ This application can be considered as an introduction to the author of the phenomenon of modern Arabic poetry.
The content of the application of the most beautiful verses of Arabic poetry without the net is as follows:
Poetic verses about honesty.
Poetic verses about patience.
👈🏻 I felt friendship and brotherhood.
👈🏻 Poems about love in God.
Poetic verses about modesty.
You feel alive.
Poetic verses about the wisdom and love of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, tolerance and forgiveness, as well as poetry about the mother and father that can be used on Mother's Day. And more Arabic poetry about sincerity, sincerity and generosity.