关于Apk Editor
Apk King - Apk Editor, Apk Extractor helps you to edit/ open apk files
Apk King - Apk Editor, Apk Extractor is the most powerful tools to edit / open the apk files from your phone. It is the best available Apk editor.
How Apk King - Apk Editor, Apk Extractor works
1. Select apk from installed apps / storage.
2. Option to choose between extracting apk or opening/ editing apk.
3. See the contents of the Apk.
4. Move, Copy, Extract contents of the apk.
How Apk King is the best choice
1. It is made especially for the developers.
2. It has developers guidelines and developers friendly resources.
3. Faster then others.
4. Copy, Move, Extract files from apks.
5. Get deep details of an apk
6. View resources of apk
Apk King can help you to do things like string localization, background image replacement, layout re-architecting, and even ad eliminating, permission removing, etc. What it can do depends on how you use it. However, to use it well, we need a little bit professional skills.
Note to Users
This app is made just for the educational and development purposes.
Privacy Policy
No User data is saved with us. Nothing is uploaded or downloaded with or without the user consent.
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v8.2 Force close issue solved
v8.1 Added custom search for apks. Bugs resolved.
v7.3 Minor bugs fixed.