关于Destructive physics: demolitions simulation
Simulator of destruction
Physically realistic simulator of destruction: release your stress, just chill out and destroy contructions!
Main features:
• Slowmotion
- You have the full control over the time rate: slow it down, inrease the speed or just stop the simulation
• Gravitation
- Took it all from freezing time... Well, play with low / hight gravity or just turn it off like you are in space ;)
• Controll of gameplay
- Disable or enable explosions visualization (if it covers debris you want to see), only smoke or even lights / flashes.
- Too many debris on the screen? Just enable limitation option so all debris over certain value will smoothly dissapear
- Not enought debris? Simply increase destructibility level (5 levels available)
• Weapons
- About 13 different explosives (missiles, dynamites, bombs)
- Earthquake, tornado, singulatiry
- Different sized cannon balls
- Custom weapon editor
• Maps
- Destroy over 30+ prebuild map from skyscrapers to ancient structures
- Map editor: Build your own map and save it to one of available slots
We have created this game for our personal needs - always dreamed of the game that allows you to destroy buildings, but there wasnt any, sooo... had to do one ourselves : )