关于eRaksha For The People
This is not just another app “FOR THE PEOPLE”, it’s totally beyond anything else out there.
eRaksha is mainly designed “FOR THE PEOPLE” to empower common man in earnestly reporting an incident to help Police in crafting a crime free society.
It comes with a packet of persuasive characteristics to help citizens find instant help whenever they require.
Additionally it facilitates people to “CALL POLICE” with the catalogue of police phone information bank at your dispense. You can conveniently way in the contact details of nearby police stations and officials to get swift reach to police help . You can also invite friends/ family members to know where you are travelling to. At the moment of emergency or help, just click on the unique “SOS” option and a notification is sent to police control room to initiate quick help. “eRaksha- For the People” also facilitates highest self safety through its remarkable features like – My Closed Group, Emergency Contacts, Traffic Updates, Meet Your Cop, Request for Patrol etc.... This is how we bring to you a platform that strengthens accessibility between the People and Police. We have launched eRaksha app for Android and iOS users to make it easier to stay connected with the Police.
eRaksha is conceptualized, intended and developed by “TrakitNow Technologies Pvt. Ltd.”. We are a unique player in IoT (Internet of Things) space with solutions catering to Transportation, Automotive industry and Safety of transit passengers. TrakItNow's approach to safety is very innovative and uses TRUE IoT to make your family and friends safe while they are in transit and improve operational efficiencies with cost savings in Transportation solutions. Our safety transit solutions involve various stake holders like Family, Friends, Community, City Police, Drivers and Transit vehicle owners to make world a safer place. We strongly believe that safety is everyone's responsibility. We are confident that our turnkey and patent pending solutions will improve quality of life for our citizens safety & security.