关于IPS EXAM - GK & Quiz
Looking to crack UPSC - 2016 to be an IPS
This app brings you online coaching, guidance, strategies, books, online study materials for you.The course material is comprehensive, concise and exam oriented. It aims to make available all the relevant study material on the subject at one platform. These courses have been prepared exclusively for the students and are updated regularly for UPSC IAS 2016 exam. We believe in our quality and commitment towards making these notes indispensable for any student preparing for Civil Services Examination.
* The complete online preparation package for UPSC Civil Services Exam.
* UPSC syllabus for Prelims, Mains, and Interview now at your fingertips.
* UPSC study materials for download and offline use
* Tips, strategies and study plan to clear all stages of IAS exam.
* Material design.
* Access to daily news in single click
* Latest NEWS available in both hindi and english.
* GK quiz for better general knowledge for GS part
* Constantly updated for the good
* Also helpful for IPS, IRS, IFS, RAS and other government entrance exams.
* Regularly updated.
PS: App also contains some external links to other websites