关于Let's Talk. prompts for meaningful small talk.
prompts for meaningful small talk. meet penpals online or chat with friends irl!
*New online mode allows you to chat with penpals from across the globe!
*New questions for reflecting on the year past and the one to come!
Ever wanted to break the ice with strangers? Or deepen close friendships?
Let's Talk is the perfect app for that.
Choose from several categories of questions, and Let's Talk will randomly generate questions for you talk about. Whether it's politics, personalities or potatoes, learn more about others with this simple but beautiful app.
Let's Talk can facilitate small talk between any number of people. Pass the phone around to take turns answering questions.
Or, pair up with a stranger online.
Have fun, grow friendships, and learn more about yourself.
Let's Talk!
The most major update ever!
Added online chats, for you to talk to penpals from across the globe.
Bug fixes