MediaCloud is a Multi-purpose Audio & Video Player for you to launch your own media streaming platform in minutes.
Features -
1. Material Design App
2. Online Admin Panel
3. Android Admin App
4. Push Notifications
5. weekly/monthly/yearly subscription plans
Built with latest version of Android Studio, Uses the latest technologies, room database, glide for image loading and retrofit for networking.
Easily customise each audio/video plan.
Allow users to stream an audio/video for free, download an audio/video to device, preview few seconds of audio/video if streaming is not free.
Web/android admin panel to easily manage audio/videos and users. Upload/edit/delete audios/videos. block/unblock/delete your app android users. Send push notifications.
The app comes with a clean, functional and powerful mp4 video player to play online or downloaded videos.
Online/Offline Android mp3 audio player with support for background play, playlist shuffling, Audio visualiser, Audio equalizer, repeat on completion and many more.
Integrated elasticsearch for a powerful search feature, uploaded audio/video is instantly indexed, Auto suggestion when searching for audio/video.
Complete user authentication system. register, login & forgot password features. Send Mail Confirmation and Password Retrieval Link to users email.
Users can react or give feedback through comments/replies and likes. App comes with support for emojis in comments.
To get this android source code and deploy to your platform visit
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