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Multi-purpose Video streaming app for you to launch your own media streaming platform in minutes.
Features -
1. Material Design App
2. Online Admin Panel
3. Push Notifications
4. weekly/monthly/yearly subscription plans
5. Full documentation with detailed setup guide
6. Powerful Search
7. Authentication System
8. Comments/Likes
9. Playlists
10. Stream multiple video formats, vimeo, dailymotion, m3u8, mpd and rtmp streams.
11. Facebook + Google Login
12. Live Streaming TV channels.
Built with latest version of Android Studio, Uses the latest technologies, room database, glide for image loading and retrofit for networking.
Easily customise each video plan.
Allow users to stream an video for free, download an audio/video to device.
Web admin panel to easily manage audio/videos and users. Upload/edit/delete audios/videos. block/unblock/delete your app android users. Send push notifications.
The app comes with a clean, functional and powerful video player to play online or downloaded videos.
Complete user authentication system. register, login & forgot password features. Send Mail Confirmation and Password Retrieval Link to users email.
Users can react or give feedback through comments/replies and likes. App comes with support for emojis in comments.
visit https://codecanyon.net/item/streamit-multipurpose-audio-video-streaming-app/23773415 to purchase this app