关于Nepal Tele Query
Are you frustated of calling Nepal Telecom for your ADSL & WIMAX internet usage and expiry date. Here comes Nepal Telequery.
Nepal Telequery App is used to query the Expiry date and Volume left for Nepal Telecom's ADSL & WIMAX Internet service.
- Currently it supports ADSL & WIMAX.
- ADSL query works on any active ADSL connection.
- WIMAX query works in any network.
You may need to query once again, if the NTC network is busy sometimes..
Note: This does not work in Ncell Network.
For Wimax,
1. First of all create a new account at https://selfcare.ntc.net.np/selfcare4web/
2. Go to Bind Service Number with self care Login and do Add.
3. And bind your Wimax service number(100*****@ntwimax.ntc.net.np) and service password. Service password is provided by Nepal Telecom Wimax Department.
4. After successful binding, use your selfcare login and password in the app.
- Supports ADSL pre-payment made.