このNepal Tele Queryについて
すべてのユーザーがあなたのNTC ADSL&WIMAXのインターネット利用状況と有効期限を照会するために
Are you frustated of calling Nepal Telecom for your ADSL & WIMAX internet usage and expiry date. Here comes Nepal Telequery.
Nepal Telequery App is used to query the Expiry date and Volume left for Nepal Telecom's ADSL & WIMAX Internet service.
- Currently it supports ADSL & WIMAX.
- ADSL query works on any active ADSL connection.
- WIMAX query works in any network.
You may need to query once again, if the NTC network is busy sometimes..
Note: This does not work in Ncell Network.
For Wimax,
1. First of all create a new account at https://selfcare.ntc.net.np/selfcare4web/
2. Go to Bind Service Number with self care Login and do Add.
3. And bind your Wimax service number(100*****@ntwimax.ntc.net.np) and service password. Service password is provided by Nepal Telecom Wimax Department.
4. After successful binding, use your selfcare login and password(created at step 1) in the app.
最新バージョン 1.1 の更新情報
- Supports ADSL pre-payment made.