关于Newsela英语阅读 (公测版)
学英语看新闻两不误。每篇文章根据单词量和阅读难度,从易到难分为 5 个版本,每个版本有4道阅读题可以进行自我测试,并可以统计追踪学习进度。
学英语看新闻两不误。Newsela有超过500万的读者,75%美国中小学(小学二年级到高中)使用Newsela。Newsela文章来自合作伙伴《华盛顿邮报》、《美联社》、《彭博社》、《卫报》、《国家地理》、《科学美国人》、史密森美国国家博物馆等。由专家改写为难度系数不同的版本供各个水平的读者使用。每篇文章根据单词量和阅读难度,从易到难分为 5 个版本,每个版本有4道阅读题可以进行自我测试,并可以统计追踪学习进度。Newsela对学生和个人免费。
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Newsela supercharges learning in every subject.
It starts with interesting articles about tons of topics—each available at 5 reading levels. Assessments are included with the articles to help readers engage with the content.
As students read and take quizzes, the Newsela app adjusts the reading level to keep articles challenging and engaging. Plus, students can keep track of their improvement over time automatically.
Our favorite features:
- Browse and search our entire library of leveled articles both online or offline.
- Take quizzes both online or offline.
- Track and view progress in real-time.
- Get informed of breaking stories and new assignments with notifications.
If you are a teacher, you can also:
- View and create assignments
- Check aggregate class performance in the Binder
Today, more than 5 million learners are using Newsela to become better readers.
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About Newsela
Our mission is to unlock the written word for everyone. Newsela is an Instructional Content Platform that brings together engaging, accessible content with integrated assessments and insights. The result is more engaged readers—and engaged readers are better learners.
Newsela Website: http://www.newsela.com
-Fixed crash when user filters search results by category.
-Various bug fixes and performance enhancements.