关于NG myPortal
The Noel Group know that our candidates are busy people. It’s not always convenient for you to meet with a manager or drop a signed timesheet into the your local Noel Group office. So we’ve created this app for you. We think it’s pretty straight forward. Once you’ve downloaded the app and completed the simple registration, each time you want to submit a Noel Group Timesheet (You can collect a Timesheet from your local Noel Group office, or you can download it directly from our website.) you answer some basic questions, (like your name and where you’re working) and then take a photo of the signed timesheet from the app and press submit and you’re done. Your timesheet is instantly delivered to our accounts processing team. Simple.
We think this will take some of the hassle out of submitting timesheets for you.
It will also enable our accounts team to process your hours and payments faster, and that’s always a good thing.
You can also check your payslips through the app.
Camera walkthrough;
UI improvements;
Bug fixes.